Every field of study contains known truths and unknowingly spread fears, yoga has also
been subject to factual knowledge and misunderstandings. Mainly due to the inclusiveness
of this topic, it was believed to be practiced only by sages, gurus, rishis, etc. While this may
have been true in earlier times, the learned and trained individuals in recent times have
strived hard to impart their understanding of yoga to people of different ages, races,
genders, etc.
Has anyone ever told you that yogic asanas are tough to master and yoga isn’t for
everyone? It is possible that their comprehension has been limited to certain topics. Once
they are introduced to the vastness of yoga and its possibilities they may think again before
mentioning its limitations.
Yoga as an exercise has been speculated several times as its effectiveness is put into
question. While the topic is still debated by researchers, there have been some defined
results that can identify and differentiate myths from facts.
Here are some of the myths about learning yoga, after which you will be able to confidently
answer naysayers if dissuaded from attempting difficult poses:
- Yoga can only be practiced physically
Asanas or poses have been cultivated for the benefit of both physical and mental
well-being. While most of the poses involve body movements there are some that
can be performed while remaining still. Each Asana focuses on a particular part of
your body and resting your body is also an essential part of doing yoga.

There is Shavasan, Dhyana, Nada yoga, etc. that allows you to focus on sounds,
thoughts, and inner movements which are as important as doing exercises.
A balance between stillness and motion should be achieved during abhyas
(practice). A yoga institute with the best instructors can provide you with an outlook
on the process of these Asanas through which you will be active in both body and
mind.- Younger people can achieve flexibility better than older people
It is true that younger generation people have more advantages when beginning
anything new as they are more active and have the ability to grasp things quickly.
However, the older generation has proved the world wrong on many fronts and it
holds true for yoga as well.
Flexibility can be achieved through regular abhyas by people of any age. An
instructor can help you by pointing out your weaknesses and strengths. Through this,
you can perform Asanas which can make you more flexible. Stretching takes time as
at first the body is limited to particular activities which constrict some muscles. With consistent activity, the muscles and joints open and unhinge allowing for better motion.
- Yoga is a completely religious practice
The origins of this subject have been seen in religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism,
and Jainism. Mainly observed in scriptures as a theoretical topic it manifested into a
physical practice over the years as the gurus or learned ones began teaching it to
their disciples. The mantras and verses were and still are chanted even today as a
sign of respect and for attaining mental peace. As yoga was restricted to certain
areas around the world it gained a notion of being totally religious.
(pictures of a group of gurus sitting in dhyana)
After modernization, it gained traction in different countries and was experimented by
people of different ages, races, gender, etc. While there are religious elements in it,
this can be attempted by anyone who wishes to explore it. You can choose which
elements you are willing to accept while abhyas. - Yoga requires a change in lifestyle
An abrupt conversion from a known routine can be bothersome, this is certainly not
recommended by yogic experts. Beginning with a tough pose can harm your body if
you are not mentally ready. Any transition should be slow and gradual, first allowing
your mind to prepare for these changes. A yoga institute with the best instructors will
first brief you on the meaning and effects of the Asanas and give a demonstration
that will allow you to experiment. There is also a belief that yoga practitioners follow a
lifestyle that means renouncing anything that is related to the modern world. There
are institutions that allow you to experience a way of life such as this but complete
detachment at once is difficult.
In modern times, you can choose how much of the Satvik (virtuous) life you would
like to follow. - Long hours of yoga makes you a true practitioner
Doing yoga has several health benefits, whether performed for a few minutes or
hours it is vital how you respond to it. Due to busy schedules it may be difficult to set
aside time for yoga. Modern yoga experts understand this fact and have come up
with unique ways for you to spend even five minutes to reenergize and perform daily
tasks with renewed vigour.
A well guided session will make you understand the theoretical and practical aspects
of this subject and over time let you adjust your way of performing Asanas or even
sitting in silent meditation. The ultimate goal is the coordination of your mind, body,
and soul. A Yoga institute with the best instructors can advise you on the techniques
that will help you achieve this goal.
There are many more such false information that have been spread easily to those who are
fresh entrants in this topic. While it is important to keep updated it is also necessary to contact professionals before beginning yoga. The postures while practicing asanas require corrections and proper alignment which can only be provide under trained guidance.
Buddham Yogshala, a yoga institute located in Rishikesh consists of a team of well-trained
teachers who are aware of such myths and facts. They are happy to debunk such myths and
reaffirm facts with additional information while also taking care of your personal progress
through their teacher training courses and wellness retreats. Through the courses and
retreats you will be able to master the yogic poses and gain a deeper understanding of the
A yoga institute with the best instructors, the team will make sure that all your needs are
taken care of as you unwind and relax in a peaceful environment.
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