Traditional Yoga School in Rishikesh, India
Buddham Yogshala
Experience Authentic Yogic Lifestyle
Buddham Yogshala
We as an Yoga School in India find ourselves fortunate to be existing in Rishikesh, the world capital of Yoga, a small town in India’s northern state of Uttarakhand. This is the place where the holy river Ganga comes down from the Himalayas. Rishikesh has been a major milestone in the journey of many seekers since time immemorial and is still the same. In the revival of yoga, Rishikesh is playing a vital role, where so many people come to participate in various courses and activities of this ancient art.
It is recorded in history and tradition that yogis and seekers of India sought the solitude of the Himalayas to deepen and perfect their practice. They believed in special energy in these mountains that aided their efforts. According to the scriptures, a place that is calm & peaceful away from the hustle & bustle of the market is perfectly suited for the aspirants to gain insights and make progress on the path of Yoga.
Keeping all of this in mind, Buddham Yogshala has chosen its locations to come as close as possible to the ideas of a Yoga Ashram
Yoga TTC in Rishikesh
Aims & Objectices
At Buddham Yogshala, our intention is to apply the science of yoga by adapting the traditional knowledge of Indian Masters to suit our times, while taking care to preserve the essence of their teachings. Yoga is about discovering your true nature through your own personal experience. We want to provide a transforming experience and focus on the subtler aspects of Yoga, not only covering the asanas but going beyond to enhance your understanding of yoga.
Our Yoga does not end at the yoga hall, it leads to personal revelations, changes and then transformation. We believe our teacher training programs will help you initiate this chain of self-transformation. Those who are already initiated will be able to hone their practice of yoga and sharpen their perceptions of yogic philosophy and meditation.

Yoga TTC in Rishikesh
Why Choose Buddham Yogshala?
Buddham Yogshala is a yoga school in India with a strong reputation. The Yoga Alliance has accredited us as RYS 200. We have helped more people achieve their dreams than any other contemporary yoga school in India over the past decade. Buddham Yogshala functions at upper tapovan in Rishikesh, Himalayas. Our location is unique in its own manner with plenty of open space and scenic greenery all around.

Our Vision
To share the eternal wisdom & holistic living principles of yoga in a contemporary and accessible form
To be a center of excellence for modern scientific research in the field of yoga and healing.
To promote sustainable lifestyles and community development based on the holistic principles of yoga
Extra Curricular Activities
Since its inception, Buddham Yogshala has been involved in spreading the awareness of holistic living with the help of Vedic wisdom in the form of Yoga and Ayurveda. According to Yoga and Ayurveda, stress is the beginning of disease and relaxation is health.
These two eternal streams of ancient knowledge form a comprehensive healing combination to overcome stress and its related problems and further help in the evolution of Mankind.